Mind Games – April 23, 2024

3 minutes

graphx spwilcen

Societal dementia

I suppose, old crank that I am, any puzzle would be good exercise for my brain.  Not talking here about jigsaw puzzles.  Like old-fashioned crossword puzzles.  I’ve always been a fan of crosswords, good crosswords. At risk of honoring MSM concerns, the LA Times and New York Times come immediately to mind. Great challenges and usually well written crosswords. Occasionally overloaded with foreign phrases and obscure personalities. Now and again a clue-writer whose socks are twisted, but as a rule good for two hours’ entertainment and some outside-the box and deep think exercise.

In the last few years new brain puzzle forms have gained public popularity. For quick samples, Sudoku, Wordle. There have always been perimeter “puzzles” rebuses, word-seeks, anagrams, cryptograms, and pardon me if I’ve missed your old-time favorite.

Boss favors number, logic, and Wordle type puzzles.  Give me the old-fashioned word kind, themed or not. Geometric patterns, sparse [symmetric] blackouts and densely packed answers. Not keen on the lattice types; they strike me as lazy efforts to get to press in a hurry.

Of late, even good old-fashioned [my favorite] type crosswords have deteriorated.  Some clues were, I am sure, written by a Mumbai Customer Service representative between “may I have your name and account number” and “please hold while I transfer you to an appropriate [?] agent.” Clue and answer verb tenses and pluralities do not match.  Some clues are so far off-base they surely have been gathering dust in Area 51. Some, sorry, and I realize my temerity issuing the challenge, are simply wrong.

Even some clue-creators or their editors I assume to be native English speakers have papier-mâché or politically cheesecaked brains.  Politics is just fine, an evil we must suffer until we find some new way or succumb to AI and robotics, but politics has no place in a word puzzle. Dunno others, but I sit down with a puzzle to relax, not to be reminded with every other clue that such-and such political bent is morally corrupt, it’s opposing politics righteous, infallible.

For months, I’ve been thinking it’s me. I’m showing signs of mental deterioration.  No, what’s happening is I am rebelling against ignorance and worse, naked bias. I cannot come up with answers because my mind is not in the proper childish, silly, corrupt, or perverted frame of reference.  Thinking back to my early thirties, I had spells where I’d find myself in a room or shop drawer wondering, “why?” So it’s not new. Perhaps it’s more frequent.  The cause for any greater frequency, so far, is not mental lapse but degenerate entertainment. [Including much, much beyond word puzzles, but set that aside for another day.] Major lifestyle changes, swapped-out stressors, medical professionals “trying ‘new’ drugs,” contribute, sure.  I’m not, however, ready to resign myself to onset of dementia.

Certainly not when I believe I can blame something else.

The world is more and more a global place.  That, I must resign myself to.  Residents of other countries do not reason, think, or associate the same ways I do going about daily activities requiring conscious thought. Until we all are all brown-skinned and speak polyglot [including localized hipster, California girl, iconenglish, acronymic] garbage, I allow as I as well as anyone else anywhere else am entitled to my own patch of perceived lingual, logical, social, uniqueness.

If, Dell, PennyBook, EZRead, BigBoy, and WordMaster publishers, you are going to print puzzle booklets in English, have the decency to have an editor fluent in English and western habit proof your offerings.  I personally don’t mind if, when done, they go back to work frustrating English-speaking customers in need of support. That’s a separate injustice.

Published by spwilcen

Retired career IT software engineer, or as we were called in the old days, programmer, it's time to empty my file cabinet of all the "creative" writing accumulated over the years - toss most of it, salvage and publish what is worthwhile.

19 thoughts on “Mind Games – April 23, 2024

    1. Show me, good sir where I even intimated such. When one is determined to be offended, one will certainly not lack for something to satisfy righteous indignation, going to the point of making things up.

      Liked by 3 people

      1. It’s in your post my good sir and I am not offended, first because I am not brown and second because I just asked you a question based upon what you had written. I know that in the US they like to categorise people according to their own categories of colours, countries of origin and “race” whereas we here in Europe look beyond all of that. And it is absurd that such a thing should now be the “thing” in the US because it is after all a nation of immigrants…


      2. My post reads: “Until we all are all brown-skinned and speak polyglot [including localized hipster, California girl, iconenglish, acronymic] garbage, I allow as I as well as anyone else anywhere else am entitled to my own patch of perceived lingual, logical, social, uniqueness.”

        Wherever you find to draw from that that I look down on any color is a liberal’s pose to justify indignation. And from thin air you draw a conclusion that I deny immigration. You do me injustice on both counts.

        Liked by 1 person

    1. They’s them what don’t bleeve in evolvution, but I see it every day. Once we get all AIed-up and roboted and our language reverts back to “Ug. Me want. Me take.” You’re gonna look around and see we all look zactly the same as one to another.

      Liked by 1 person

  1. I dig crosswords. Since my ingesting of Panax Ginseng pills, my brain is starting to remember things. Last week I did a puzzle in one of Momo’s women’s mags, and got most of it. Jeopardy is also good practice to reduce mush mind. Brown skinned people? Well, what are they? Mexicans, Venezuelans, gang members, succubus, scourge of our nation: this could go on a while. These days, everyone is offended by something: especially the truth and the folks who speak it. I live in Texas and we are overrun with them: so yeah, we have many names for those folks, and they ain’t good, or politically correct. WP is turning into Facebook and X. I sat next to some young hipsters at a restaurant a few weeks back. When they weren’t tapping into their iPhone, they seemed to speak in an alien code, I didn’t understand much of what they said, sort of like text speech vocabulary.

    Liked by 3 people

    1. I tried a crossword in a woman’s mag once. Too many soap stars and cosmentic references. Also have a senior rag monthly that has the most atrocious clues/answers you ever saw – names of drugs and surgical procedures and questions written for an eight-year old. Like they were encouraging dementia or a drug habit.

      Liked by 2 people

    1. Rather think that a false modesty. You’re just in the habit of thought at once broader and deeper than necessary for transient focus on “six letters, ending in ‘c’ for an Ethiopian dialect.”


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