Like Us On FaceSplash – May 15, 2024

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I have to ask, “Why?”

It’s a legit question.  What reason have bona fide businesses to resort to such a shallow1 public presence? Might argue it’s because American consumers are shallow, vain, and stupid.2

Businesses, if you have a legit, quality product, one that truly delivers value, let the market declare it legit, serviceable, and trustworthy. Spend millions on product development and improvement3 instead of social sites.


1 Zippity-zillion more descriptive adjectives come to mind.
2 Is there another way to say it? Does anyone believe they can snag a net gain in these transactions? [Join us and get a coupon for 10% off your next purchase over $300.00.(Exclusions apply.)] By joining the zombie hordes, you will suddenly be respected, admired, and loved? To say nothing of saving billions on purchases of crap merchandise?
3 Or, here’s a wild idea – how about spending a buck or two on customer support and service?

Newsfeed Wanderings – May 14, 2024

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Language, politics, radical thought, socially incorrect, graphic violence

Scheduling has been pretty tight lately. Sat down late yesterday afternoon,1 pooped, with just enough energy to pick up the cell and see what has been happening out in the rest of the world. A casual thumbing through professional newsfeeds. As you would expect, the Democrat’s McCarthy Soiree is in full swing, bunch of donkeys trying to pin the tail on an invited guest. I’m wondering what prizes have been promised prosecuting agents who follow through to the end. Be interesting to live long enough to see what new history has to say about the whole of it.

Gaza. Ukraine. Boeing. Canadian forest fires.

Same-o, same-o. A few odds & ends struck me worth a read beyond headlines written by second-year, foreign exchange journalism students.

See where a married-into stupid rich billionaire lady is set to make a complete break from the philanthropic foundation she and her {expletive} husband have headed for years. Taking 12 billion out of the foundation to put to use on “her own brand” of philanthropy.  Twelve billion? Not much less than some state budgets. With that kind of money to fiddle with, you’d think somewhere along the line someone would have accomplished something. I dunno, cured cancer, solved the problems of nuclear fusion, spayed and neutered all Democrats, taught Republicans to read, or stabilized the price of a dozen eggs.  IRL?  Bupkiss.  But keep those donations rolling-in folks.

An “advertorial”2 reported “a hacker stole personal information from someone every 39 seconds and the average financial damage was $10,000.00.”  Geeze.  Nearly two a minute or $20,000.00 per minute. That comes to about $28,800,000 a day. Put that guy to work for a couple of months, we can damage the national debt.  Then cut his balls off and toss him across the fence at the alligator farm at feeding time.

One of my “Eat better” feeds reports what it considers the worst hotdog.  I’m a sausage, kielbasa, brat, and hot dog fan of the first water.  In my search for the perfect afternoon griller, I reckon I’ve tried them all.  I know what the worst hot dog out there is. It’s the cheapest you can buy for a reason; sawdust and mine sweepings seasoned with life-hazardous chemicals and sewerage skim. The folks who manufacture the stuff should be brought up on charges.

“Eat better” also thought I should be brought up to speed on the best and worst hot sauces. No real surprises. Some with names you know accompany overpriced yawner sauces rate “best.”  I’m not even curious to try them.  Was surprised some old-standbys, especially in the south, rate poorly.  On the mainline varieties I agree. Do declare many “posh” sauces are grossly overpriced. Then, what can you say of a society that made Trainer Swish a billionaire? How about a foo-foo sauce that costs $18.99 for a 5 oz. jar? Stupid. And if you spend your money on it, well…

Friends at NPR, those stalwarts of even-Steven, unbiased, meaningful news blips reported the death of the first man to receive a genetically modified pig’s kidney transplant.  No indication of how the pigs are getting-on.

Of course there was that Trump trail. Testimony by Storm Daniel. Probably the only event of real interest. Then only had I been there and Ms. Klifford’s testimony included some sort of demonstration of her artistry. You know, for credibility.  In the interest of justice, I mean. Is the lady really hot potatoes? Or just another someone out to make big buckaroos from all the hoop-do-doo?

Pretty disappointing on the whole.

1 Later afternoon: Nine PM?  That’s like evening already.  Yet it was still light outside.  Makes me uncomfortable.  Like a child told to go to bed when the sun is still shining. “But, Ma!”
2 Advertorial. That’s a new one. Infomercial, sure, heard of that before. Shades of Ronco! Or was it John Cameron Swazey and his demonstrating how Timex “takes a licking and keeps on ticking” we should identify as progenitor of all advertising pap passed-off as “news”?

Little Things – May 10, 2024

4 minutes

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Often, it’s not the big, aggressive, expensive things in life that cause trouble. Those big [things] events, if you’re normal,1 are good [happy] and unfortunate [sad] in roughly equal parts.  Now and again we all feel we are Al Capp’s Joe Bftsplk.2 But we’re certainly not. We’re all normal, it is just fun to pretend we’re not.

Too, we’re all bemused, befuddled, and beset by things [events, circumstances, realities] so small we do not pay them attention. Or choose to ignore them so completely they no longer exist for us.

We should pay closer attention.

Who sits down to a bowl of chips3 intending to eat only a few, or intending to share with others? We take the whole family size bag with us to the living room or den or office to help us watch television or finish our latest blog entry.  Never intending to share. Knowing we will eat the whole bag, but denying it all the same. Every time.  One chip. A little thing. Leads to another, then another.  And why not some dip to enhance that salty, wonderfully greasy flavor with garlic or barbecue or cheese? One little thing is bad enough but it leads to unhealthy eating habits in general. Little things.

We barely slow for the stop sign at the corner of Watson Boulevard and Pecumseh Avenue. The sign doesn’t read, “SLOW” or “YIELD.” It reads “STOP.” But we don’t. We rely on our awareness of our surroundings to see the car speeding in from the left; we’ll see it in time to prevent his running the four-way stop crinkle our Gomobile.  On a different day, we’ll see the car with funny markings parked to observe those [enlightened Wokers] of us who believe “STOP” signs are stupid and therefore the law invalid and must be violated. That stupidity, of course obviates any infraction.  If we can ignore rules of the road, why, soon we’re no longer obligated to such as “give gap, take gap” or slowing to let that semi get his rig onto the expressway when the lanes to the left of us are clogged. Little things.

We’ve no time to “Thank you.” Should someone else “Thank you,” we’ve not the social energy to say other than “No problem.” Waiting in line anywhere, why strike a conversation with a complete stranger? Why, they might be Republicans! Could help pass the time, might even be educational or at the very least [some people do have finely polished senses of humor] entertaining.  Little things.

In a hurry to get to Sammy’s discount before it closes, we rush out the door au natural – clad in sweats or scrubs or shorts and sandals.  Some women, I suppose, might be eminently watchable clad more for the beach or bedroom than drug store, discount house, or grocery.  Most [I say without fear of repudiation] are not. Men too, cannot be bothered to tuck in a shirttail [some, I admit don’t have enough tail of any shirt to accomplish the feat] or change from the greasy Central U ballcap to their Sunday best Stihl beanie.  Something of a fashion statement, these choices match their scruffy, dirty three day beard. This slovenliness, male and female [and otherwise?] is a little thing. 

With war, politics, Glomal Warning [right or wrong], rampant senseless social hatred, and the price of gasoline – the “big” things to preoccupy us, who can afford to worry over the little things?

Better: who can afford not worrying over the little things?  The little things can be fixed.  Unfixed, the little things can kill you.

1 Just what is “normal”?
[1940]. Or for you DC Comics aficionados, Mister Mxyzptlk [1944]. I would offer, Balladmaster, that Al Capp might have influenced the DC crew.  Geezowie, I miss the likes of Al Capp and Walt Kelly. Close, very close, xkcd, an astute sort.
3 Who pours chips from a bag into a bowl? Last time I saw that was on television. Was it Beavers’ Mom, June, or Harriet Nelson?

Temptation – May 9, 2024

1 minute

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I know where the stash is.

It’s not a big secret.

I’m trained in matters of that ilk.

It’s just out of the way.

Out in plain sight, really.

Don’t remember exactly how the location became obvious.

Obvious to a trained eye.

Like mine.

Here alone for the moment, it seems.

A simple matter to walk over and help myself.

Purloin one.

Two, is thinkable, and entirely possible.

That would be excess.

There for the taking.

And supreme pleasure.

Likely no one would realize the theft.

I can pull it off.

No shame.

No real crime.

But I’ll not do it.

Not out of honesty,

Or some other silly integrity.

Doc Feebler complains of an improper BMI.

Mine, not his.

Whatever the hell that really is.

Starting from a shameful twenty-eight point nine,

I’ve reached twenty-six point four.

No sacrifice.

Just got off my backside,

Grunted and strained,

Lifted large and carried far.

Left the table early.

Didn’t die as I thought I might.

Appropriation might jeopardize that.

No longer secret,

The stash is safe.

For now, anyway.

Case closed.

I Lied – May 8, 2024

1 minute

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I Lied – May 8, 2024

No biggie. Not intentional. Mentioned yesterday I might “relax” hauling landscape stone. I did. Threatening rain in addition to needing a brief break from heavy work – digging, setting posts, splicing and stretching fence – it made sense to haul stone.  Then it would be on hand when it was time to set the perimeter rabbit wall. Why not? Most of the time would be driving from the stone store home. That’s relaxing, right?

Yes and no. Someone had to load and unload that stone. Black Magic is a good truck, but not an autoloader, if there is any such thing.  I’d estimated 1400 pounds, right? Wrong. All said and done, 2400 pounds. That’s a lot of lifting and grunting.

So. Today is “goof off” day. Partially catch-up on WP reads.  Answer a few emails. About noon, I’m planning a major catch-up nap. On the heels of the storm system that moved through the Midwest yesterday afternoon, it remains a little cool outside.  Chilly even, and wet.

I figure until the garden is in I’ll remain busy outside. About two months. I might manage a post now and again.  Certainly no serious fiction work.  Mid to late June, though I should have things under control and return to some serious writing.

Do good stuff out there, kiddies.

Now. Where’s that “Wednesday guy” from out in Arizona?

Slacking-off – May 7, 2024

2 minutes

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Won’t be kicking any stones, but I’ll surely be handling a few.

Geezowie! Where has time gone?  The large lady is not about to sing. She’s warming-up with voice exercises, but she’ll not appear onstage for three of four days.  We’ve got the garden expansion ready for Boss to execute her grand schematic.  Well ahead of targeted completion for Mother’s Day festivities. I’m not privy to details, but for the expanded area – which means more plants – it should be something.

Though the resident (Tennessee) Master Gardner can begin poking plants into permanent spots, I’ve yet to set the perimeter stone, designed to deter rabbits from digging tunnels below the fence.  The fence work, thanks to the young male Alien, is complete, the gate built and in place. The [Alien} youngster worked his little pookiss off yesterday to help bring the whole of it to readiness.  He even finished-up with a good stint behind the lawn mower just as evening announced its arrival. [Relax, the lad was well rewarded.]

The chap is fascinated with anything carbon-fuel driven. He’s still not ready to handle the machine solo but with oversight, he’s good for the long [almost] straight cuts. You can hardly notice the wiggle-waggles where he went a tad off-course.

I’ve delayed the stonework, first because it cannot be done until last, second because I have not yet redeemed the stone from BBTS.  That represents a ton of work. Not literally, the number of stones will come-in at something around 1400 pounds. Still, for a tired old grump, that’s a lot of lifting.  Lifting into Black Magic at the BBTS, lifting out of Magic at home, carrying out to the back yard garden site, and finally lifting and re-lifitng each stone while properly setting them in place.

Worked pretty hard the last couple of days. I deserve a rest day. There are a few maintenance chores to be completed first. When you’re hard at it, and working until enough day has escaped you can’t see properly to put tools away, there’s a good bit of tool cleaning and stowing.  The sidewalks, driveway, curbs. and fence rows need a trim too.

If maintenance work is done by noon, before plunking my bottom into the recliner for a snooze, I just might relax in the driver’s seat of Black Magic, drop down to the BBTS and load stone.  Maybe unload it to the garden.

What better way to relax than with landscape stone bicep curls?

Inconsiderate – May 5, 2024

2 minutes

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The grass is still wet this morning. An overcast sky will not encourage the grass to dry quickly. With holes to dig to set the remaining fenceposts, I don’t want to be traipsing about in wet grass.  I’ll wait a bit. Dirt is fine. Mud is an uncomfortable inconvenience.

Sunday. Not a great WordPress posting day.  With my third cup of coffee, I read a few news feeds. You know, to get the old pumper pumping.  Some Connie nonsense, some really off the wall Libbie bullshipe.  Trailings of the “student” protests. A politician in Texas and his wife up on charges of influence peddling – how did that happen, he being a Democrat and that being somewhat standard operating procedure for Democrats? Republicans risk legal action if ever they so much as pass gas sideways, of course.  Round it out with a dose of the Middle East.

One human interest story. I forget what news feed sent it along. Billed as “good” news; man helping man.  I read the story and came up with something less than kudos for the purported hero of the story.

Seems our narrator was charged with “save us some seats” [ at some public function] by his family. As the narrator tells it, it was a large contingent of family and he was encountering difficulty impressing new [non family] arrivals of his right to reserve that large block of seats.

Another man, not part of the family, offered to help our narrator “save” seats. Our narrator deemed the stranger offering to help reserve seats something of a godsend.

I suggest the “helpful” stranger an idiot.  Further, I suggest our narrator an inconsiderate idiot. Public affair?  Unassigned seats? That’s first-come, first-served.  No one has any right to deny other arrivals their choice of seats available at the time they arrive.

If you want to sit as a family, arrive as a family. Better yet, especially if there are a number in your “family,” arrive early enough to find a block of seats sufficient to your wishes.  What’s the big deal?  Like you’re going to have a family meeting while the program is in progress? Inconsiderate again. Family meeting after.  Sit ones, and twos when arriving late in absence of “saved” seats. Besides it is inconsiderate again, arriving late, disrupting the program in progress already to find your “saved” seats.

Save one seat? Maybe.  Two? Pushing it.  You want to sit together, arrive together and early enough to find seats. Do not dream you have some special dispensation because some boob in your family is willing to make an ass of himself.

Don’t be yourself an inconsiderate boob.

Forced Respite – May 3, 2024

4 minutes

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Often, when using a word I cannot recall last using, I pause to do a quick look-up to see that I’m using that word correctly. “Geeze,” some say, “this is the dude who plays loose and free with the English language, misusing words, making-up ridiculous near-real words, coming across as a literary buffoon – so what’s the big deal and who would recognize genuine misuse?”

There are those who cannot pass up any opportunity to point out others’ errors.  I make these people happy, underwrite their sense of purpose.  But…

In this day and age especially, wordsmiths live dreading moments when they are called to task for woeful displays of ignorance. You know, we must measure use of words like “white, “black,” “gay,” “policeman,” “sissy,” “Democrat,” “pig,” and so on.  Add to that innocent incorrect use of a word from the dwindling list of inoffensive words. Top it off with the reality that with advancing age, even in the most benign instances of senility, words are easily confused, something less than the most accurate one chosen.  In any instance, it is easy for me to feign intent instead of ignorance.  Regardless of how convincing my defense, when I do make a bone-headed goof, I know I’ve done it, and it bothers me.

So I researched “respite,” which speaks of a break in a period of a difficult or unpleasant task.  In my title, I mean only that I’ve been forced to break from a difficult task.  No unpleasantness involved in this case.  Rain this morning curtailed my outside activities. All of it the last several days has been difficult, hard, heavy, and tedious.  Every trip to BBTS for something in multiples never weighing less than forty pounds, loading Black Magic to the maximum weight.Hours on my feet, digging and hauling front to back and back to front, lifting, moving, and dragging.

As to unpleasantness – aside from yard maintenance, most of this work was for the new garden plot. That’s a bit of pleasure, even in the start-up process.  Boss looks forward to expanded veggie space, room for more herbs, and splutters of floral color.  Prep work is difficult, but not unpleasant.

Every evening at the close of a busy day, a pre-supper shower and clean clothing has been a delight.  Wonderful meal before a couple hours relaxing together.  But oh, those muscles! Ache is the new normal.  Yesterday especially, I really overdid and away from the homestead for an extended time, I neglected hydration.  As a lad, and as recently as ten, fifteen years ago, I felt “hydration” was a bunch of whoop-de-doo. Now I’m a believer. But it is so easy to forget when you’re busy.

When you’ve got to peel gloves off [when you remember to sissy-up and wear the danged things in the first place] to blow your nose, rearrange your underwear, scratch [ahem] an itch, or retrieve your knife from your trouser pocket, every interruption is unwelcome. A trip inside [or searching for where you last put your thermos] for hydration is a bother. In work mode, I tend to comfortably ignore the need.

It’s also easy to think I’m thirty years old. I’m not.  As a lad, given a chore, I worked until it was done. There was no “I’ll finish-up tomorrow.” There rarely was a “Whew! I need a break. Let me rest a few minutes.”  I’ve learned to take a break now and again. I’m still studying “I’ll finish-up tomorrow.”

Yesterday, a pop-quiz tested my understanding. I came up short. Lots of lifting, toting, standing. Breaks: correct answer. Work like it must be finished today: half-credit. Hydration: incorrect answer. Not a good score.  I paid for it. Uncomfortable fatigue, and, Boss says, signs of dehydration.

Today, along came a rain, declaring one, I need to take a break from pushing-pushing; two, all of that work will still be there for me tomorrow; and three, the only one disappointed that I didn’t finish all of my planned work yesterday is me. Hydration will be less necessary and more easily done.

* Black Magic is old in people years, has hauled tons and tons of material many, many miles. A “practice truck” to begin with, never a groan of argument when loaded, be it soil, stone, tools & equipment, decking, timber, sod, or whatever the cargo, Magic seems in fact to respond positively to a substantial load. I know though, springs are tired, steering and brakes are weary, and the drive train willing but less robust.  Hmm. Sounds familiar.

Is There a “Right” Way? – May 1, 2024

3 minutes

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Campus “protests”

Bastions of intellectual stupidity, universities like Columbia, NY City College, ASU, USC, UCLA, UNM, Yale, and Brown, demonstrate [indeed!] the lunacy of what higher education has come to mean.  The manner of thinking, or rather not thinking, but following leaders of a flock. Not to any purpose that drives protestors to find and pursue actions that in fact might sway political policy and public opinion. 

Most protestors, I dare say offering no solid evidence, are caught-up not in the validity of the [any] cause [in this latest instance pro-Palestine, anti-Israel] but in belonging to a group, the herd, the “forward thinking” intellectual elite with a grand sense of moral justice. Many I suspect to get street creds, to be identified with the morally and intellectually liberal [advanced] superior minds.   Tantrum throwers flailing and causing disruption, damage, and discord, who when asked cannot bur recite the collective mantra.

Such a shame that bright minds, after a period of learning by rote, by recitation, by latching onto demigods in hallowed halls to blindly adopt the thoughts of those demigods, give away their right, their responsibility to think for themselves, to reason.

Current misdirected malcontents protest the unwillingness of government to take a hard line against Israel’s conduct of war? Surely the place to force a policy change is by disrupting education at Brown, Columbia, UCLA, and so on.  Please! Would it not be better to form strong active voting blocks, flood Senators and Congressmen at every level and the Executive Office with letters declaring unhappiness with the way things are, demanding change and then voting those ideals?

The senseless, wantonly destructive actions of these protests alienate lookers-on and encourage knee-jerk counter demonstrations.  Hamas likely adores these brainless college kiddies, the act itself a page from the Hamas Playbook.

[Perhaps it would be good to recognize who began the latest conflict. And who acted in defense? Perhaps the issue, greater than the present war is the lack of a Palestinian State.  I for one, propose East Palestine and West Palestine states, and graciously offer-up the lawless territories of California and New York as very suitable locations.  Hamas can then bomb themselves stupid, eliminating several unsavory vestiges of the human race in the process.]

Can you remember the protests of the 60s?  Changes in fact resulted. Indeed. Not based on the momentary demands made by “look at me, I’m socially aware and forcing immediate change!” flower children. Protests brought issues to mind, yes.  Attention might have been more effectively drawn done differently. Changes that did come about did not happen because of 60s protests, but in spite of them, brought about by long range, carefully thought-about societal perceptions.

In sixty years, college children have not learned better technique? The university system has failed at the social level. Disband philosophic and liberal studies at universities.  Install in elementary schools alongside learning red, yellow, and blue, circles, squares, and rectangles, and addition, subtraction and quantum physics, the learning of independent thought, reasoning, economic efficiency, and morality. Common sense too? Oh, ideally, but let’s not press our luck.

What’s What – April 30, 2024

3 minutes

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WP Franz & Kaswell Passersby –

Still hanging tough but caught-up in the rites of spring, my contributions here have been fewer than normal. Accounta there’s much outside work to be done.  Heavy outside work to be done.   Not the young buck I usta was, I don’t beat myself to death to stay on a schedule.  A schedule, which, you understand, is of my own making, anyway.

Well, a schedule mostly my own making. I must be careful what I commit to, what I announce as what I intend to accomplish for the day.  Somehow, especially when my “plans” are for an end goal someone else is excited to have completed, expectations seem to expand. With expanded expectation, any shortfall engenders a bit of disappointment, which [imagine that] expands tomorrow’s expectations. More than a couple days’ disappointment and increased expectation puts a heavy draw on my ability to keep up.

Toss in a surprise rain abbreviating outside activity by a couple hours every other day, or a busted tool requiring repair or replacement, in a week there’s an uncomfortable shortfall. Schedule-behindedness which is as disappointing to me as it is to “observers.” I’m not prepared to declare which is worse.

On the matter of implicit [or external] scheduling, for instance, hard at work on one onerous but necessary garden expansion sub-project, I set the seven-year-old male of the alien invaders to work identifying and measuring the boards necessary for deck repair, compiling a list for a trip to BBTS. Admittedly, the project was a learning experience for the tyke, meant to instill a sense of purpose and genuine accomplishment at “guy work.”

Handy about things “manly,” he’d just identified the exterior faucet needing the handle reattached [removed last fall to accommodate installation of the freeze-roofing cones], located the handle from the array of “need-it-later” “stuff” in my garage tool chest, remembered the type of screwdriver necessary, and completed the installation with only standby oversight on my part. This is how we encourage the children to “know” how to do things their spouses later in life will wonder how such skill and knowledge came to be – was it in fact inborn? [No! it is magic!]

At day’s end, showered, fed, and relaxing, I discover Boss now expects the boardwork to be replaced soon if not sooner. Because the measurement exercise is complete, the actual work cannot be but moments away, no?

So. Work away from the keyboard has been steady, will remain so.  For a good month with breaks [for keyboarding only] when a steady rain interrupts and there’s nothing to be done in the shed or garage.

I have been checking-in on those of you I follow and strangers who’ve wandered my posts and pages and thoughtfully left footprints.   Not regularly writing myself and therefore not in a writing frame of mind, I’ve not entered many comments. I’m borderline readable with comments anyway, so if I’m not shocked out of my britches by your post, I won’t intrude.

It may be false hope that at some point spring chores will be done so I can regularly devote time to actually writing, both for posts and for fictional pieces.*

Meanwhile, I’ll sign the guestbook when you rattle my cage.

* By the way, “Tales of the West” is woefully behind.  Delivery before an August Wild West Celebration seems unlikely.