Commentary – June 12, 2024

graphx spwilcen

1 minute

Commentary” That means “opinion”

See where four American “instructors” were stabbed in China. Also reported by the Global Times that while China experiences a remarkably low crime rate, much improved recently, stabbing crimes have increased against the general trend, generalized by 1440 Daily Digest:

“The instructors and a Chinese citizen who attempted to intervene were hospitalized and are expected to make full recoveries. Among the wounded is David Zabner, the brother of Iowa State Rep. Adam Zabner (D). Despite the country’s low crime rate, China has seen an uptick in public mass stabbings, including a knife attack at a hospital last month.”.

This suggests as soon as China’s Libbie Wokers get wind of these figures, there will be a concerted effort to ban knives. Which suggests if you’re hankering for fine Chinese cuisine, you’d best partake somewhere other than the mainland.  Not being able to prep ingredients [knives and, we suppose, other sharp instruments banned to curb violence] lacking proper tools, chefs will resort to bludgeoning Bok Choy, shrimp, and fresh ginger. Which will result in rushed preparation and decreased dish quality.

Bludgeoning?  Well, soon after, we suspect, criminally minded Chinese citizens lacking sharp instruments may result in an “uptick” in personal assaults with ball peen hammers. Which will lead to a Libbie Woker crusade to save society by banning hammer-like instruments.

As a bona fide constervative, I’d remark to Chinese Libbies that “Knives don’t stab people, people stab people.”

Wait.  [Mainland] Chinese Libbies?  Um. Never mind.

Published by spwilcen

Retired career IT software engineer, or as we were called in the old days, programmer, it's time to empty my file cabinet of all the "creative" writing accumulated over the years - toss most of it, salvage and publish what is worthwhile.

6 thoughts on “Commentary – June 12, 2024

  1. While I agree, to a certain extent, that knives don’t stab (I am a knife collector and none of my knives have ever gone rogue), people do use knives to stab and kill. Recently a friend of mine was stabbed right here in Valencia, something unheard of… so I think that, without including kitchen knives, they should take notice and vet who is buying fighting knives (like Kaybars), and limit their sale and possession. Just like guns in the US.

    Liked by 2 people

    1. Gonna disagree whole-heartedly here. A bodacious butcher knife can do a lot of damage. If a government could [and it CANNOT] ban “assault” or “fighting” knives, a butcher knife, or a boning knife or a steak knife would serve nicely to eviscerate or slice an aorta or sever a femoral artery. {No pun intended] sanguinating cardiac Libbies NEED to identify the PROBLEM [bad people] and go after them, not ultimately ban baseball bats, bathtubs, pinking shears, and chainsaws.

      Liked by 3 people

      1. Well, I am no “libby” and I can tell you that a weapon can always be found, made or improvised, and that’s no reason not to ban assault weapons of any type. Civilians need not have any access to assault weapons. Here in Europe we have standings and even an occasional shooting but nothing like in the US. People here feel safe in the streets. You cannot ban bad guys, but guns and knives, hell yes!

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