Bring Your “A” Game – June 14, 2024

1 minute

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Whatever the morning brought you today, resolve to make the best of it. Rain blesses* gardens and lawns; cold and snow keeps the skeeters away; heat slows man and beast up a bit and whatever work was paused benefits from a re-think about the hows and whys of it; a little drought tests man’s ingenuity and goads him into habits of conservation.

If your feel-bads are a smidge uglier this morning, take heart that they’re less so than they could be tomorrow and attitude goes a long way toward determining whether you or your aches, pains, worries, and fears will gain the upper hand.  If you win today, the same troubles won’t stand a chance tomorrow.

Whatever tasks you’ve been given or set yourself to, resolve today and every hereafter day to give each your best – your best attitude, your best effort, your best thought, and your purest motives.

You owe it to the day, tomorrow, your country, your neighbor, your family, and yourself.

Should the day challenge you with too many obligations, weather ill-suited to the chores you want or need to address, pressing more-important interruptions, accept that procrastination can be an effective tool used wisely.

Whatever faces you today, give it your best, bring your “A” game.

* With possible exceptions of south Florida and other monsoon-y places.
Snow – does it ever snow in Australia?

Published by spwilcen

Retired career IT software engineer, or as we were called in the old days, programmer, it's time to empty my file cabinet of all the "creative" writing accumulated over the years - toss most of it, salvage and publish what is worthwhile.

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