Size Matters – June 24, 2024

1 minute

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If Rhode Island were a rodeo, they’d have to lease property from Connecticut so the arena would be big enough for the bulldogging event.

It’s a small state, indeed, but you’ll travel far to find citizens more patriotic, more beautiful seasons, more consistently delightful cuisine, and a population with larger hearts, greater senses of humor.  Goes to show, what the title declares is not always the case.

Published by spwilcen

Retired career IT software engineer, or as we were called in the old days, programmer, it's time to empty my file cabinet of all the "creative" writing accumulated over the years - toss most of it, salvage and publish what is worthwhile.

13 thoughts on “Size Matters – June 24, 2024

      1. In a multi-year TDY there, Boss and I traveled them all weekends. Depends on what you like. Seaside quiet, charming eateries, quaint inaccessibility, hustle and bustle, history [I would suspect and for you it’s overflowing with large and small history to stand beside and touch], deep woods, nature, sport venues, and on and on…

        Liked by 1 person

      2. And now, my responsibility to the New England (and environs) Chamber of Commerce disposed, I look for Ward, my afternoon little white, and a refreshing nap while listening to the pitter-patter of fortuitous rain.

        Liked by 1 person

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