What’s Next? – December 25, 2021

Photographs: spwilcen

Where next for the “blog”?

It was never my intention to blog.  My blogging, if you call it that, started to support fiction works.  The idea was to get a larger audience to read and constructively comment. I’d either grow as a writer or learn a new trade.  Truth of it, failing, find something else to do on retirement. A new trade would come in handy in that case, eh?

Another “writers’” site before WordPress declared itself a craft development tool.  The site, I think for the number of children who joined and monopolized it, deteriorated into a tittering social sham.  For my purposes, a dismal failure.  Corresponding with a site principal when asked why I was leaving, I learned the creators were similarly frustrated.  They promised changes.  I didn’t stick around to see how that turned-out.

Granted, some find my writing cryptic or arcane.  Three readers, and two fellow bloggers suggested I try audio blog content. That has appeal.  Oral presentation adds inflection, pauses, and vernacular most readers can’t “read,” makes things make sense.  Or make more sense.  It’s wishful thinking to look for real understanding. That I’m not at once and completely understood is a shortcoming on my part.

There’s ego-stroking in print. There’d be more ego-stroking being “on the air.” 

Audio – plug-in, audio clips, or podcasting – sounds like a lot of work and some out-of-pocket expense.  Don’t mind the work.  Expense, on the other hand, is a bother.

It would be nice to financially break-even or make a buck in the deal.  Partnering and “associate” schemes leave me cold.  Doesn’t leave much but publishing, no more freebies.

I should drop the blog and its creative baggage?  Focus on publishing? Gee, focus on writing? What a novel idea!

Or learn to weld?

Nothing is out of the question.  Until this relo is complete, I just don’t know.

Circa 1966. That worked okay. Career change? Gotta find another matchbook.

Published by spwilcen

Retired career IT software engineer, or as we were called in the old days, programmer, it's time to empty my file cabinet of all the "creative" writing accumulated over the years - toss most of it, salvage and publish what is worthwhile.

23 thoughts on “What’s Next? – December 25, 2021

  1. You enjoy interacting with people on the blog, right?

    Well, what more is there?

    Do what you enjoy, buddy. That’s all there is. If you write… what does it matter what other people think, so long as *you* enjoy it?

    Liked by 2 people

    1. I do enjoy the interaction, but (digging deep her) that is second place to writing. It’s good folk like you, Hobbs, Francisco, Balladeer, Dusty and a few others who lighten my day, make me think, and introduce me to new ideas. Thank you for reaffirming my thoughts, for dropping by, and for consistency.

      Liked by 1 person

  2. Well Espie hope you have a great Christmas Day! Lovely here in València 🌞. Reference blogging, well, I’ve learned that you do it for yourself mostly but surprises are to be had and interaction is good, specially with a small group of like minded and interesting folk from many places around the world.

    Liked by 2 people

    1. Good morning (here). Thank you for stopping by to chat and lining-up with the other solid family of WPers here. As I said, the large lady isn’t clearing her pipes yet. We’ll see. Take care out there, amigo.

      Liked by 1 person

  3. Mr Bump is dead right. It’s the interaction that matters and the size of the audience is about as important as what you eat for breakfast. My so-called followers have grown steadily over the last 12 months, but only a handful take the trouble to actually read what I write, and the even-smaller-handful that actually read properly and take the time to comment are the ones that I value. They make it all worth while. I would cull the others, but, you know what, I just can’t be arsed!

    Liked by 2 people

    1. Thanks, Hobbs. We’ll see. Thought, “well, I’ll just become a reader, and enjoy chipping my teeth with WP buds.” It’s a legit thought but, my creativity will itch and I’ll have to scratch. I’d do the serious creative work here but it just doesn’t get any audience. Zero feedback. I’m growing, but ignoring serious craft. Who is that standing off in the wings? Oh, it’s Ladee Large! She getting ready to make her entrance?

      Liked by 1 person

  4. Go with your heart SP.
    I found wordpress a real place for interacting with *real* people, gathering *real* ideas and above all I found something quite encouraging here; the real people who are not biased or prejudiced..
    A air of fraternity that I found here.
    That’s what I experienced here, SP.
    Stay blessed!

    Liked by 1 person

    1. So very nice to see you back after too long an absence! Oh, we are biased but respectful and willing and eager to learn. In retirement, I do want to leave something significant for posterity. I know, maybe having an effect on WPpers is something, but I don’t feel it enough. Frankly, until I get settled-in, I’ll not have time to think it all through.

      Like to see you here more often. In a bit, I’ll crack open my reader, hoping to see you there; it has been too long.

      Thank you for reading and so very much more, for taking time to chat.

      Liked by 1 person

      1. Thank you SP.
        My exams are delayed. We have to go through the screening test before the main exam. It halted the progress a bit.
        I too am missing writing on WP. Inshaallaha! I shall come back soon.
        Have a blessed time!

        Liked by 1 person

    1. Don’t’cha wanna read Metaphor when it comes out posthumously? It’s complete. Chatted with an agent. Pulled-up short. Need (or need not, thankee, Yoda) to make a decide. stay tuned… same time, maybe different place… Then, Midas County, East of the Pecos, Seeds, Finder, Animal Friends, Good Cowboys? To say nothing of compilations – Conversations, Milestones, short stories, poetry, flash fiction?

      Liked by 1 person

  5. Hi there, SP!
    Am enjoying the first rain of December. Have just written something hope you enjoy it:

    The treasure of the sky is blanketed with gray clouds
    ’cause is getting colder there
    As, the first rain of December is falling on earth
    Sans rage, it’s embracing the thirsty soil with all the love
    Sleeping beauties in gardens, draped in green and red, are shivering and dancing in the first rain of December
    Cuddling in nests are little ones, who were asleep a while ago
    The warmth of first rain is beyond any harm
    It’s falling to wash away all the tears filled in the hearts
    Smoothly taking away the buried sorrows it’s falling on life to begin anew
    Falling in the last days of December, this first rain is heavenly delightful…

    Liked by 1 person

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