Etcetera – February 24, 2022

graphix: spwilcen

Calipers, Blades, and Mallets

Paddling upstream might get you where you want to go. Drifting downstream will get you wherever the river wants to take you.

Loose Change

It’s official: I now have more things needing cleaning, repair, replacement, recycling, repurposing, adjustment, assembly, disassembly, trashing, and/or transport than things that don’t.

Published by spwilcen

Retired career IT software engineer, or as we were called in the old days, programmer, it's time to empty my file cabinet of all the "creative" writing accumulated over the years - toss most of it, salvage and publish what is worthwhile.

15 thoughts on “Etcetera – February 24, 2022

    1. Nope, I show it. Zooks, man, I don’t even have a poemeticist’s heart or sole [chuckle]. Some say I don’t even have a heart. No one calling bets on “soul” accounta no one really for sure understands what a soul is.

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  1. An incredibly simple and incredibly profound metaphor for life: “Paddling upstream might get you where you want to go. Drifting downstream will get you wherever the river wants to take you.” I feel an elaboration brewing in my head that will become a blog post in “Growing Up Boomer” for no apparent reason.

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    1. Supah! Looking forward to it. And now I can roll up my tent, saddle the camel (it’s a rental), and steal away into the desert night, having inspired one someone to something. Do well, Jeff.

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    1. Clever sobriquet. Not quite sure I grasp the full meaning. Perhaps a new blog title? Wait until tomorrow. If I can manufacture sufficient warnings I open myself to a barrage of snipers, trolls, and POPs [Pissed-off people] aiming for my jugular. OR. I’ll miss a post, resigning the one intended to the “do not post” post pile. Would be a shame as of late, the subject matter my “reader” keeps tossing at me suggests yet another post of the same philosophic vein sure to rankle many collars. What do I care? With a readership of five, it can’t be that bad. Thanks for dropping by and chatting.

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