Taking it to Heart – March 2, 2024

1 minute

graphx spwilcen

My Life Coach from the East Tennessee Alps sent me a visual* this morning.

While half of it sums up my life philosophy, I must admit I do not exercise it correctly.  As I practice it, it’s self-centered. Making a conscious effort to apply it completely and with abandon would benefit my fellow man and impress others of my humanity.

Many, specifically intolerant readers out there, would consider the original language offensive.  It is unadulterated, irascible curmudgeon.  For some odd reason, translated to British vernacular it seems less offensive, even though we unsophisticated Americans fully understand what it really means:

“No matter what you are going through, always try to help people.
Instead of saying, ‘Bugger off!’ ask, ‘How can I help you bugger off?’
Be kind.”

Impressing others of my selfless humanity being a life goal, I’m on it like smell on a cow patty.  How tolerant of me. Looks like it will take a while for my new tolerance adjustment.

* A meme, I guess. Coach did not include credit to the author. I’m thinking Confucius or Zebediah Jones.

Published by spwilcen

Retired career IT software engineer, or as we were called in the old days, programmer, it's time to empty my file cabinet of all the "creative" writing accumulated over the years - toss most of it, salvage and publish what is worthwhile.

11 thoughts on “Taking it to Heart – March 2, 2024

  1. Your life could have been a 1940s movie starring Jimmy Stewart. The writing and the screenplay go together well. Not many folks see it, or get it, but I do. keep up the good work, there is a place for you out there in the infinite world of pinpoints of light. Those of us who dig your stuff are rooting for you.

    Liked by 2 people

    1. Zooks! (I think.) Seeing as 1940 is pretty close for this Boomer, it fits. Jimmy Stewart! I hope that doesn’t bother Jimmy. Never discussed as a “pinpoint of life,” I do recall being called a “pinhead” a time or two. Thanks for your kind words. I’ll work to keep my head from getting all swolled-up and try to keep a steady flow of drivel to amuse.

      Am becoming stupidstitious. In the chute is a semi-auto fiction piece, the hapless protagonist [cue theremin music] named Jimmy. You been looking into my drafts folder?

      Thanks for dropping by. When flattering words come from a professional I highly regard, I start to believe parts of what they say. Prolly just my role as laughingstock. Least I’m good for something. Hope that makes Pappy proud wherever his spurs rest.

      Liked by 1 person

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