Side Effects – April 6, 2024

graphx spwilcen “My nurse notified your pharmacy of your prescription changes.” “So, unh, Doc, this new med for my heart?” “Yes?” “You said there was a nasty side effect?” “It’s detailed in this booklet.  Here. Take it home.  Give it a good read.” “That’s like a two-inch three-ring binder. All for one med?” “Ah, no.”Continue reading “Side Effects – April 6, 2024”

Satisfaction Surveys – April 5, 2024

graphx spwilcen Visiting a gaggle of in-laws for a sit down, I choked my cell to vibrate. So as to be Boomer-polite and not interrupt grace or serious mid-dinner muskie fishing conversation. Left it in my inside jacket pocket hanging on a coatrack in the mudroom, That way even the vibrate wouldn’t interrupt the mandatoryContinue reading “Satisfaction Surveys – April 5, 2024”

Roger and Larry – April 4, 2024

graphx spwilcen Sundry Wildlife Conversational anecdote. Once again, we overhear Roger and Larry. This time we catch them in the Capstone Diner over early morning coffee. General fiction, Humor; spwilcenwrites “Fiction” 3/30/2024, exposed by spwilcenwrites “Roger and Larry – April 4, 2024; 924 words, approximately 5 minutes reading time; MA: Language, sexual innuendo, tree-hugger unfriendly.

That’s Insulting – April 3, 2024

spwilcen Favorite Insults No. 6 – Pastor Remley Humorous anecdote. We overhear Pastor Remley chatting with Edward Dillworth after Sunday service.  Edward’s concern over his high school daughter’s current infatuation with a college lad dominates their conversation.  Pastor Remley does his best separating youthful ideals from character, hiding hurtful opinion. In the end, Edward goadsContinue reading “That’s Insulting – April 3, 2024”

Surprise Cameo – April 2, 2024

spwilcen Bonus! A kitty pic and an oblique clue to the surprise cameo.Photo by Steve Gill on Survey Followup <<====<<< It’s a safari deep into spwilcenwrites fictionConversational humor wrapped around a nugget of flash fiction. Carl Watts “Sparky” Wadsworth survived his annual physical which included, as always, sixty-seven pages of questionnaire teasers ranging fromContinue reading “Surprise Cameo – April 2, 2024”

Interview – March 26, 2024

spwilcen opinion “Say! That’s something of an accomplishment, isn’t it?” “No.” “You suggest it’s something anyone can do?” “Apparently.” “Oh, come on.  Surely some good…’” “Drivel.” “Writing? Yours or others’?” “Yep.” “Which is it?” “Both.” “Let me back up. You’re on record saying amateur writers are without talent?” “Most.” “What they offer at best is…”Continue reading “Interview – March 26, 2024”

What is America Coming to? – March 25, 2024

graphx spwilcen Just yesterday, I saw a young man of no more than eight or nine years hold the door into Ranch & Farm Supply open for a man clearly not his father, uncle or big brother.  The man was not infirm. I was greatly puzzled over this behavior. That was not the end ofContinue reading “What is America Coming to? – March 25, 2024”

It’s That Time of Year Again – March 16, 2024

spwilcen Old folks annually suffer what is called a “Health Assessment.” Most old folks meekly put up with the cattle herding frustrations involved: repetitive questionnaires, inane, insulting, and redundant oral interviews, lab tests not necessarily specific to present complaints and ailments, and “medical” staff like as not equally perturbed by the absurdity of it all,Continue reading “It’s That Time of Year Again – March 16, 2024”

Navel Recon – March 13, 2024

graphx spwilcen MA: Language Lost my head. “Tell ya what, Espie.” Knowing I’d chafe his ego, I continued anyway, “Why not dial it back some?” “Like what?” “Give it a break.” “It?” “Posting and writing new fiction.” “Why?” “Working at cross purposes.” “Technically no.” “Sure they are.” “Disagree.” Espie looked genuinely confused. Suspect more thanContinue reading “Navel Recon – March 13, 2024”